Wednesday, April 1, 2009

So it's official....

I'm dieting again, it's official. I've put back on all the weight I lost 5 yrs ago, and maybe a tiny bit more (I can't really tell because 1. My old scale was crap, and 2. my weight is proportioned differently than when I was 20 lol). So I have 1 pair of jeans that actually fits, and I work on a farm... those jeans don't last very long. I have like 4 prs that fit like 15 lbs ago. Do the math, it's expensive to stay squishy. I'm not sure what my actual weight is right now (I'm on my period, bloated, and let's face it, most of us weigh ourselves in the morning, naked, and after dropping some of that.. excess weight off in the morning lol.) I figure I'll weigh myself on Sunday, start the week off that way. But I'm going to start the diet right now. In a perfect world I think I would want to be about 165, but 1. the last time i was anywhere near that skinny I had had knee surgery and had no muscle in my left leg and 2. I'm setting my time line for the next 8 months (so until Alex comes home) so I'm going to go with something a bit more realistic, so I'm going to go for 180. That will take me down to right around where I was when I went on that crazy diet a few years back. Now for me to remain accountable it works for me to post what I eat in the course of the day, so feel free to skip those posts. Monday will be a weigh in blech. But Alex is gone, my dad is going to be working on the hill (and 90% of the junk food in the house is for him). I really have no excuses. I know that Alex would be perfectly happy if he came home and I looked exactly the same as when he left, but hell why not come back to an even hotter me right? hehe
So here's food post #1 and keep in mind I didn't decide I was starting today until later in the day.
Breakfast: whole wheat bagel with strawberry cream cheese (sadly will probably still show up often bc i eat breakfast in my car, but i did not slather the cream cheese on inches deep)
Lunch: lean cuisine, strawberries, 100cal rice crispie treat

half a chicken breast with bbq sace, pasta roni (mmmm lol), corn, snow peas, green beans, asparagus, and a brussel sprout. in the bowl is romaine lettuce, shredded carot, a few croutons, and 1tsp sun flower seeds (theyre 190cal for 1/4c. so 1tsp. not a big deal)

so I finished the pasta (duh) the green beans, snow peas, asparagus, brussel sprout, half the chicken, a bite of the corn, and maybe 1/3 of the salad. I put way too much food on my plate, but at least for the most part i gorged on veggies.

got lots of lean cuisines (which i live off of at school) veggies, fruits, some 100cal snacks, sugar freepudding, and whole grain pastas. I also got a few more camelback water containers so now I know I need to drink at least 2 of my 100ml one, 4 of my 50ml, or 2 175ml and 1 50ml. 200 ml is roughly your eight glasses of water, I'm aiming for more like 250 or 300.

Well that's it, we shall see.


Kristin said...

You can do it! If you're interested in weight watchers info just let me know.

Sparky said...

I might. Once dad leaves I can influence the grocery shopping (though probably 90% of the stuff i eat i buy anyways)and cooking more.