Thursday, June 30, 2011

Dear morning sicknesses, I don't know if anyone has passed on the message, but I am just days away from being 12 weeks. That means I am a little over a week away from ending my first trimester. You have been a guest in my presense for 8 weeks now, and I am sorry to say but you have out stayed your welcome. I appreciate you letting me know that the baby is healthy, but you are no longer welcome. Please stop showing up when I wake up, when I cook food, or when I am trying to wipe something down that is the SLIGHTEST bit grungy. The time has come, dear morning sickness, for you to find a new woman to share your gifts with. Please don't take it personal, sincerely, me p.s. Sorry for punctuation and spelling issues, thanks to you the computer makes me nauseus, so this was all done on my phone.

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